Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Little Red Riding Hood

My friend Mel asked me to take some shots at her daughter Polly's 3rd birthday party.  I jumped at the chance as I knew Mel was a kids party hostess extrodinaire and that no detail would be missed.  Days of work went into the Polly's 'Little Red Riding Hood' themed party...the house was beautifully decorated with a woodland theme with toadstools cropping up everywhere.

The kids faces as they arrived spoke a million words as did their enjoyment of the simple things in life...playing with stamps, eating sausage rolls, hiding in the awesome treehouse and wearing the lovely little masks and capes that Mel had made by hand.

Fantastic party, gorgeous kids and absolutely no sign of the Big Bad Wolf...(nor was Grandma locked in the wardrobe as far as I'm aware)...